
发布时间:2024-09-08 10:43:36   作者:爱游戏手游中心   来源:爱游戏手游平台官网

  摘要 主动扶引车(Automated Guided Vehicle,AGV)是一种无人运输可循迹主动导航的运输东西。其影响是正在大型主动化工场中,可能庖代人力实行运输办事。其办事希奇是不必要人全程陪伴,只需一个工程师正在终端实行发号出令就可能独立运转。当两轮可能差异的速率实行转弯、自转时,称为差速运动。正在本文中,策画了一种用于工场主动化无人运输的AGV幼车底盘,其承载本领为80kg。 正在策画历程中,正在实行总体策画和机器参数策画打算后,用catia、CAD、solidworks软件实行画图办事。网罗减速器策画、联轴器策画、车轮轴策画。 机器部门策画告终后实行了硬件方面的策画,网罗:电机的选型打算、人工智能当前概况单片机的选型、编码器的选型、通信串口的策画。 除了机器和硬件部门以表,本次策画还网罗了软件策画。此中有通信和议的策画,单片机PWM节造次第策画,里程计的策画。 环节词:AGV;差速底盘;电气策画;机器策画;软件策画 Abstract The Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV) is an unmanned transportable navigation vehicle. Its role is to replace the manpower for transportation work in large automated plants. In particular, the work does not require people to accompany the whole process, and only one engineer can perform the operation independently by issuing orders at the terminal. When two wheels can make turns and rotate at different speeds, it is called differential motion. In this paper, an AGV car chassis for factory automated unmanned transportation is designed with a carrying capacity of 80kg. In the design process, after the overall design and mechanical parameter design calculations, the drawing work is carried out with catia, AutoCAD, and solidworks software. Includes reducer design, coupling design, and wheel axle design. After the design of the mechanical part, the hardware design was carried out, including: motor selection calculation, selection of single chip, selection of encoder, design of communication serial port. In addition to the mechanical and hardware components, this design also includes software design. Among them are the design of communication protocol, the design of single-chip PWM control program, and the design of odometer. Key words: AGV; differential chassis; electrical design; mechanical design; PAGE 38 第一章 绪论 1.1磋议的方针及道理 跟着科技的发达进取,AI科技也浮现正在咱们的生存之中,曾经成为了21世纪的主流趋向,越来越多的工场也采用了AI工场的形式,低落了人力本钱的同时也填充了办事效力。而行动工业底子的分娩创筑、货色流利等关于主动化的升级需求显得更为火急[1]。此中AGV本领是一个紧要的因素,正在主动化本领中是不成或缺的一部门,是智能化发达业所闭怀的重中之重。依据其雅观的造型,起落稳定,坚忍耐用,运行伶俐等特性,AGV机械人平常受到企业的喜欢[2,3,4]。 中国也紧随科技发达的步。

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